Quilibrium: A New Way to Internet Freedom and Privacy

Executive Summary Quilibrium is a new kind of L1, an internet protocol that brings the best of cloud services with top-notch privacy and scalability. Created by Cassandra Heart, a former Senior Coinbase engineer who also works on Farcaster, Quilibrium is designed to resist censorship, surveillance, and control by big corporations. Think o...
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Looking over the Quil project Github, I'm reminded of some similarities with the ARweave 'distributed and parallel internet computer' w/ A0 operating system currently in testnet. Seeing a massive repricing of ARWeave right now, but I'm wondering if you think these projects will end up as direct competitors, or more complementary.

Great note, thx for the guest post ser!

I'm curious to understand how it compares to some of the different L1s out there and the consequences of that for builders looking to build with/on top of Quilibrium in particular.