I’ve been diving into Friend Tech quite deeply over the past 2 weeks, collating some resources I often use that can help me find great Keys to pick up that are likely to be “undervalued.”
They are:
FriendMEX (Free Portfolio/Analytics): https://friendmex.com/
Frentech by Octav (Another great free portfolio/analytics/points tracker): https://frentech.octav.fi/
Friendtech.pro: You need to acquire one @NFTommo key to access, but it has the clearest analytics/PnL visualization out of all Friend Tech tooling built bang for the buck.
Overall Ft stats: https://dune.com/cryptokoryo/friendtech
Portfolio value: https://dune.com/sliceanalytics/friendtech
(3,3)er stats: https://dune.com/makesy/makesy-capital-friendtech-analytics
Search any account stats: https://dune.com/hildobby/friendtech
Trading fees stats: https://dune.com/cryptokoryo/friend-tech-highest-earners
Misc. stats: https://dune.com/21co/friendtech-analysis