Base Crossed $400M in TVL!

Base crosses $400M in TVL! They’ve managed to draw in ~$200M in TVL on Aerodrome’s launch. Aerodrome is a ve(3,3) DEX launched by Velodrome in collaboration with Base’s team. This instilled confidence in the protocol, resulting in a substantial capital inflow that quickly made it the largest protocol on Base today, boasting ~$170M in TVL.


Curve also launched on Base just a few days back, with rather attractive yields, which propelled it into one of the top 5 protocols by TVL.

As Base continues to attract mature and high-quality DeFi protocols, its abundant DeFi offerings will attract more users and capital. In a low-yield environment within DeFi, Base could position itself to be the next yield farming destination, akin to what we witnessed with Arbitrum.

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oh man. Whenver I see 3,3 I get nervous lol. Are Aerodromes mechanics similar to other 3,3 protocols?

Haha that's understandable, but in ve(3,3)'s case, it is more of a locking mechanism to direct emissions for pools.
So Aero lockers can vote on which pools they would want to incentivize every epoch. More votes = more emissions for the next epoch.