Priyansh Patel

Priyansh Patel


Delphi Digital


Priyansh is a Markets Research Analyst at Delphi. His main area of focus is unearthing bubbling narratives and unplugging niche market trends.

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"This will likely drive them towards more cost-effective, monolithic blockchains like Solana and Avalanche"

I'll give you a tl;dr: The TVL growth is abysmal and nothing to write home about, From its low of about $500M, it has only grown to $850M. Sure, it's a sizable increase but when we compare the overall inflows into the crypto market and the price performance of AVAX, there seems to be a great mismatch.

The number of core developers and code commits is largely flat as well.

The most interesting thing I found was the Beam Subnet. Its growth in terms of active addresses and daily transactions in the last two months has been remarkable, to say the least. And the parabolic price action of BEAM certainly doesn't hurt.

The other subnets are pretty much flat in terms of their growth metrics (at least at first glance). If you are more interested in this, I think you should definitely check this out and compare various growth metrics between these subnets:

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"This will likely drive them towards more cost-effective, monolithic blockchains like Solana and Avalanche"

yeah I think that would be pretty insightful. I haven't looked much into it either tbh. That said, I shall do a deep dive first thing tomorrow and if there's enough material, spin up an Alpha Feed post too.

yessir, I am with you. We just gotta time it and not get caught on the downswing and this development warrants some caution IMO

I'm not sure if the downside will be capped at 25%, but it should ideally hold up better when compared to similar tokens. The unlock schedule can be found in their documentation, but I reckon that it will look quite different as people lock up their RDNT for better yield.

Thank you, sir! Yes exactly, the FA is synonymous with the TA which makes RDNT a great play IMO! I reckon that it should start getting priced sooner rather than later.

I would long FXS and short DOT in equal size. If you need to put on some serious size, I'd recommend buying FXS on-chain as CEX liquidity is not as great. In this case, you can buy spot FXS and short DOT.

Yes, I do! Because the revenue sharing aspect of a token largely comes through staking, and if holders are incentivized to stake/not sell, that leads to reduced selling pressure and would, in all likelihood, lead to it outperforming a token with the same characteristics besides revenue sharing.

Priyansh Patel has not authored any research reports yet.