


Delphi Digital


Head of product Delphi Labs, contributor to several protocols

Great note, thx for the guest post ser!

I'm curious to understand how it compares to some of the different L1s out there and the consequences of that for builders looking to build with/on top of Quilibrium in particular.

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"This has likely been, and might still be, the most profitable strategy for those being technically proficient enough to compete effectively."

Cheers for the addition

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"See the chart below where the (3,3)oor strategy is highlighted in green (fren,fren)."

Defections were always going to happen. But as you say due to the minimal DD done, it was easy for ppl to exploit auto-buying of 'cheap' (3,3)oors.

Whoever bought early (3,3)oors or does his DD likely has had a very stable portfolio value since this article was released.

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"(3,3)oors have outperformed other segments strongly over the past weeks, making this one of, if not, the most profitable general strategy"

In general high (3,3) bonds and a low defection rate are the foundational and most important metrics to look for in a (3,3)oor.

This dashboard displays both metrics and even calculates a quality score for identifying the best (3,3)oors:

The score is regularly refined as input from the community is received

Bitcoin_Sage has not authored any research reports yet.