What Is League Of Kingdoms?
League of Kingdoms is a multiplayer online (MMO) strategy game built on the Ethereum blockchain. Players can build kingdoms, farm resources, fight monsters (PvE), and compete with enemy kingdoms (PvP) or alliances. The game is available on mobile (Android, iOS) and PC. Players can own and trade assets represented by Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), including resources, skins, and many other game assets.
The game was released in the first half of 2020 to create a ‘game-as-an-ecosystem.’
How It Works
Players can create kingdoms on LAND that they own. They can build their kingdoms and armed troops to protect their citizens and fight enemies. Players can also team up with others to form alliances and compete for the hegemony of the continent. There will be various events, contests, and competitions where you can prove your power against other players. Players can also participate in a decision-making process through blockchain governance. The LANDs and kingdoms have different values that players can monetize while playing, earning, owning, trading, and governing.
Key Takeaways
- League of Kingdoms is a massively multiplayer online strategy game that allows players to build kingdoms, farm resources, and compete with other players. It is available on mobile and PC.
- The game operates on the Ethereum blockchain and includes assets represented by Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), such as resources and skins.
- Players can own ‘LAND’ within the game to build their kingdoms. They can also form alliances with other players and compete to control the game’s continents.
- The game provides opportunities for players to monetize their in-game assets and activities, such as earning cryptocurrency based on their NFT ownership and efforts.
- Players can participate in blockchain governance, contributing to decision-making processes in the game.