Reports1415 results
Lido Dominates Liquid Staking
Lido is the current market leader in the liquid staking space and, as of now, the race isn't very close. Will this dominance continue? The data indicates that Lido may just be warming up....
10 Min
Liquid Staking
Aug 2021
A Quick Look Into dYdX's Growth Post-Token
The Effect of Farming Incentives dYdX’s total volume increased from about $10 mn a day to over $250 mn a […]...
4 Min
Perpetual Futures
Aug 2021
What On-Chain Market Data is Saying
Analyzing addresses in profit, exchange flows, and Bitcoin's hash rate....
5 Min
Layer 1 / L1
Aug 2021
Exploring The OpenSea
NFT sales and trading volumes have surged to all-time highs in recent months. Surprisingly, not all NFT marketplaces are seeing […]...
8 Min
NFT Marketplace
Aug 2021
SOL & LUNA DeFi Explosion, Anchor & Lido Symbiosis Drives UST Demand
SOL & LUNA stand out. Anchor's integration with Lido helps drive UST demand....
3 Min
Aug 2021
An Update on Crypto Market Structure: Leverage and Volatility
What BTC and ETH market data is telling us....
4 Min
Aug 2021
Optimistic Pioneers - Uniswap & Synthetix
Optimism might still be in its infancy, but Uniswap V3 and Synthetix are preparing it for prime time....
9 Min
Layer 1 / L1
Aug 2021
Stablecoin Market Share, TVL Growth, and a CRV Farming Saga
A rundown of key DeFi data and narratives from this week....
4 Min
Aug 2021
Opyn Options With Ribbon
Opyn and Ribbon have had a symbiotic relationship, with Ribbon's added functionality helping to bolster Opyn's utility. But what does the future have in store for these two protocols?...
7 Min
Aug 2021
Ethereum Burns, Axie's Inflection Point, DeFi Narratives
ETH burns, Axie's inflection point, and DeFi narratives....
4 Min
Aug 2021
An Update on Technicals and Market Sentiment
Breaking down the state of the crypto market....
3 Min
Macro & Markets
Aug 2021
ETH on Fire, Call Buyers Don't Tire, and NFTs Push Higher
$53 Million ETH Burned in 5 days, options market sentiment, and the continuing NFT mania....
4 Min
Aug 2021
Avatar Frenzy, ETH Volatility & A DeFi Ecosystem Snapshot
ith EIP-1559 going live today, a weak "sell the news" event played out right before the US session. NFTs continue their run. Over 1,700 ETH has been burnt at the time of writing this report....
3 Min
Aug 2021
A Shift in Futures Margin, Low Demand for Puts, RAI's Rise
The stablecoinization of BTC futures, insights from the options market, and the rise of independent cryptocurrencies....
4 Min
Aug 2021
NFTs Heats Up, Stablecoins Risk & Axie's Record Breaking July
Market Update Today’s daily was inspired by the Delphi Chartbook — a monthly initiative to update our subscribers on each […]...
3 Min
NFTs & Gaming
Aug 2021
NFT Weekend Recap & OpenSea Dominance
NFTs (and specifically CryptoPunks) enjoyed a fantastic run over the weekend. During the Asia open, BTC takes a breather while consolidating below $40,000 while ETH/BTC wakes up from its multi-week sl...
3 Min
NFT Marketplace
Aug 2021
The Delphi Chartbook - July 2021
A concise highlight reel of important datasets we're tracking across markets, DeFi, NFTs, and macro trends....
1 Min
Jul 2021
Exchange Exodus, Staking LUNA-cy, TikTok Trends
Market Update Today has been a rather sleepy day in the market, with the majors starting to consolidate at resistance […]...
4 Min
NFTs & Gaming
Jul 2021
Option Whales, GBTC Discount Recovers, Binance's New Rules
More insight on BTC's move from the options market, GBTC unlocks are over, and a new era for Binance....
4 Min
Jul 2021
DeFi and NFTs: Signs of Growth and Speculation
An update from the world of DeFi and NFTs....
4 Min
Jul 2021